How NHA Creates a Culture of Collaboration and Engagement

We like to think that NHA is widely known for our happy and engaged staff, residents, and Board of Directors ;-) and we think it’s important to share that this is not just a joyful happenstance.

In fact, a huge part of what we do every day as an organization is come back to our pillars of creating that culture, most specifically with residents and employees. Alongside the decision to approach the organization as a social enterprise, came the decision to be very people-focused.

What that means in practical terms has become even more relevant and important in this age where the workforce is shifting and everyone is reimagining what work – and work/life balance – really looks like. In the COVID era, we’ve had plenty of opportunity to test our values and shine a light on what really works, and what we can do better.

In surveying the staff and reflecting on our rates of retention and burnout over the past two years these are the commonalities in our organizational approach that staff has come to value more strongly and that have resulted in high rates of retention, low turnover, and virtually no burnout.

Connection & Positive Relationship with Leadership

At NHA, leaders in any setting demonstrate and genuinely care for all team members and performance discussions are always – always – rooted in respect, dignity and empowerment. Beyond that, all relationships within the organization amongst team members and residents are established with full trust and NOT a deficit of trust; trust being something we believe can be strengthened over time, or lost or eroded, but that does not need to be “earned” at the outset.

Clarity of Role

Leaders are very involved in supporting team members in understanding how their role contributes to the overall vision, mission and values of the organization. Team members work on individual and team project plans and are frequently reminded how their specific work helps the organization achieve its’ strategic objectives and inform a healthy community.

Timely & Consistent Recognition

In addition to ensuring clarity of role, we strive to be timely and consistent with recognition of a job well done, the demonstration of our values, and the achievement of our strategic objectives. Leaders recognize team members in ways that are authentic and genuine to their style, as well as appropriate and motivating to that individual team member.

Transparency, Fairness, and Communication

Whenever possible, decisions are made as a team and consideration is given to impacts on all stakeholders. Policies are administered with fairness but efforts are made to accommodate the needs of individual team members when possible.

Besides all of that, or in support of exactly that, the staff take time to connect with one another on an individual basis which gives us inherently a deeper understanding of each other’s perspectives, motivations, unique gifts, and needs. This unifies us so that when the time comes to make hard decisions, or if there is not consensus on an issue, we know each other to a point of assuming the best and finding ways to ensure everyone is ok with the outcomes

Hire and Retain for Fit

Possibly controversial, but here at NHA we strongly believe that value alignment trumps skills and practical experience – you can teach a skill, but you can’t always teach emotional intelligence and value alignment! Additionally, we have found that hiring for fit instead of solely based on skills ensures diversity of hiring at a natural AND intentional level.

Friendships at work are healthy and encouraged because they promote relationship building, trust, caring, and a development of emotional intelligence. Fun is a key ingredient to the maintenance of our culture and a value we aim to share among all of our stakeholders.

Learning and Development

This should come as no surprise, especially considering our values around hiring for fit, but resources are set aside and dedicated to each full time employee for formal professional development and leaders encourage frequent discussions with each employee around their professional development and aspirations. Team members are given opportunities to identify their own knowledge gaps and steer into their strengths, as it makes sense to their individual journeys and as part of the organization. It’s a balance, and one we’ve found makes most employees really happy.

Consistent & Open Feedback

Our focus at NHA, amongst the team and all stakeholders, is on giving clear, constructive, and timely feedback. We avoid the “compliment sandwich” approach and focus feedback on specific outcomes for the future without overly dwelling on the past. Any reflection of past mistakes must have a learning outcome attached and feedback is both ongoing and provided in real time.

Building any corporate culture is not a static endeavour – we truly believe that it is an ever-evolving thing, both a relationship and a contract, between the staff and leaders that constantly shifts and moves. We value these shifts as not only necessary, but important to ensure we are not complacent. There is always more to know, more to learn, more to offer one another.

We keep these values top of mind, and we have formal and informal feedback loops on a consistent basis with all key stakeholders. It’s an absolute joy to be part of a community that sets values and people above all else. Thanks for being here!


Our BIGGEST Stampede Breakfast Ever, in the Books!


The Impact of the Resident Survey